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I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 3:25 pm
by rbonif
Been up for a few weeks

She is beautiful!!!

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 7:50 pm
by neo_pop_71
I cry foul... total bullsh*t posting!!!

Check it out:


That bike pictured is Mark's, our Grand Poobah, it's his Eric Carter XX Team tribute bike. Damn! Another scumbag on Craigslist trying to make a fast buck off some poor trusting individual... makes me want to shatter their kneecaps!!!

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 8:21 pm
by rbonif
I thought it looked familiar. Guess bait and switch trick crosses over to the bike world....Shame

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 8:33 pm
by vpc66
Wow all these fake sales post have me worried about E-bay now....From what I have heard it sucks dealing with PayPal !

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 10:50 am
by mixalive
Another scumbag trying to Manbeer us.. :roll:
But our bikes look good in front of red brick walls, right?
This is my bike..

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 12:01 pm
by neo_pop_71
Manbeer... whatta' punk!!!

That's funny Mix, thanks for the morning laugh!!! I haven't thought about that fool since the last time you "Manbeer'ed" the board! Good call with the personalized photo... I really hope it doesn't come to that! It's getting worse for sure, what is that a handful of bogus listings in one week? Outrageousness!!!

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 12:55 pm
by vpc66
Yea the gold on the frame sure pops with the brick behind them, kinda helps that they are great looking bikes also. So how long do you think before a new E-bay/ craigslist seller signs on as Mixalive, not like you can copyright the sign on name. It sucks but the best bet for CudaHeads and future Cudas would be to keep up with finding our loved brand of bike for sale and do these post. Seems like a number of folks that check one out find this site being it is right at top of any search...some will slip through but will catch a number of them I am sure.

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 12:57 pm
by mixalive
We might need to password protect the "Members Bikes" pages.
Members only..

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 18th, 2013, 11:19 pm
by neo_pop_71
I think you're both right, somewhere there is an answer to this shady business, but this is a site used by sellers as it's concise and easy to navigate with accurate information. I see a number of ads that reference the bike specs page or link to this site. Man, the other day I logged on to see if there was any cleaning up to do, I was the only registered user but there were 13 guests. :shock:

Re: I lied here is another XX Dos $980 Raleigh

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 12:09 am
by vpc66
They have no need to come to this site to grab a picture of a members bike, all you have to do is type in Barracuda MTB pictures and you will see the bikes. Sometime back I did that and was surprised to see member bike pictures...I look for mine but have not seen it so far. Once something is put on the internet it is there for the whole world to see if they really care to. That was why I figured it is better to keep a watch out and do the best to call out the scam post. Have to say it would be funny if a scam was local and show up riding the bike or have it mount on truck/car rack.

It is a catch 22, I thought the whole idea of a forum was to bring folks together that care for the in a way having member's bikes show helps those that have a old Cuda in the corner not being loved or someone new to MTB's see one at a yard sale/ thrift shop, what ever it be think WOW I have seen these out dated bikes fixed up and looking GREAT! And you guys know I love MY Cuda, but you should also know most people walk into a bike shop and drop coin on the newest, greatest FAD bikes out as if most need that...This is one of those sites that show what a vintage bike can be, we just need to watch out for the turd sacks