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Merry Christmas!

Posted: December 25th, 2012, 12:57 pm
by Mark
Last night I renewed the registration for the domain as I do every year, and I had a chance to think about how the board and website are functioning exactly as I had hoped they would, when I set out to create them a few years back.

There was that crappy disaster which resulted in the entire 1st generation website going down the drain. Even though the new site ended up with a few more features and much more information, I still regret that incident, because there was an old 1992 catalog I had in the works which was lost forever. I forget who sent it to me and I have no way of reaching out to them now. Funny how the smallest of things can have a big impact, eh?

There were many occasions when our members could have picked up and left, never to return. I've had precious little time for the day to day tasks which are quite necessary if you want your members to keep coming back day after day. For this, my humble and most sincere thanks to neo_pop_71 & mixalive. Without their dedication to the Barracuda brand, the sport of mountain biking and their tireless efforts on this forum, it would not be the success that it is. Thank you both!

And a shout-out and thank you to all the other members, especially our VIPs vpc66, cudarider1 & ctk. Keep posting everyone, as it won't be long before you'll rise in rank to our upper echelon!

I will be continuing to add to the site as I have time. If you have suggestions, please send them through; they're always heard, even if sometimes they don't materialize.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to us all!



Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: December 25th, 2012, 3:11 pm
by vpc66
Thank you Mark very much for what you have gone through with this site not to mention twice. With the fun and inspiration I have received from this forum some of my dark times have been made bright and think you all for that....May you all receive joy and all you care for with this Christmas and a safe yet FUN NEW YEAR....And ride hard and see as many great sites as you can this coming year.......CHEERS and a good life.....Vinnie!!!

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: December 25th, 2012, 8:35 pm
by mixalive