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I'm so in love.

Posted: September 13th, 2013, 3:32 pm
by Derek
After spending several hours tuning, degreasing, replacing tires/tubes/chains, rebuilding shifters, shining and polishing 'other' bikes (mother-in-law dropped off 6 of them, "see what you can do with these and just charge me whatever") ----- I have really come to appreciate the rides I have assembled myself, specifically the A2MS and A2R, with my Avanti at a close 3rd.

A little sad, though, because I know that those in-law bikes will sit neglected again for who knows how long. Oh well. It got me out of the old lady's way for a bit and its some extra fun money.

Re: I'm so in love.

Posted: September 13th, 2013, 4:57 pm
by vpc66
Would agree, that Gt that I picked up a buddy has me building the thing for him and he he throw some cash my way when it is done....not big bucks but still and I have the fun of working on a bike.

Re: I'm so in love.

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 12:45 am
by neo_pop_71
The last couple years I wrenched as much as I rode. Family, friends, long time old faithful customers that don't trust modern shops (i.e mechanics that think 9 speed is old school), and thankfully a few of my own... nothing can replace riding for me... think back to those early days and the freedom you felt. Nothing bike related beats that but building bikes is a real joy! Gets me wondering about the days ahead, what will fail me first? My ability to turn a pedal or my ability to turn a wrench? I hope it's not the wrench as that would mean an end to my old cars too but if it ever gets that bad I probably won't be able to hold a handlebar either!!! Call up Dr. Kevorkian and make with that mercy killing... hence, my signature below!

Re: I'm so in love.

Posted: September 14th, 2013, 9:46 pm
by vpc66
Very nice reply D, I have already got to the point where I can no longer ride hard, so I enjoy working on the bikes that much more....neighborhood kids bike, my kids or just the bikes I have laying around that I can no longer push like I did. Working on them even cleaning them puts my soul in a happy place.