Barracuda Chrome Mountain Bike Stem $9.95 Ebay

Items branded by Barracuda that don't happen to be bikes.
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Barracuda Chrome Mountain Bike Stem $9.95 Ebay

Post by cometdata2 »

found this and thought might be of some use for one of you
2 days left on auction no bids
seller id:manualdave
Item number: 380460234354

Barracuda Mountain Bike Stem
Barracuda mountain bike stem. I think this fits 1_1/8" forks; the inner diameter of the fork clamp is just shy of 1_1/8". The handlebar clamp is 1" diameter. Reach (center to center) is 67mm and height (center to bottom) is 65mm (these measurements are approximate). Very good condition, some scuffs here and there, some wear to the logos. I don't see any damage or cracks but this stem is probably 15+ years old so it's probably best on a display bike only; ride it at your own risk.
barracudamountainbikestem1.jpg (55.45 KiB) Viewed 12004 times

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Re: Barracuda Chrome Mountain Bike Stem $9.95 Ebay

Post by neo_pop_71 »

Man, that's a stubby bastard... it's got to have 30 degree rise too!

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