If you read my Trespass story, you know about Government Canyon and the 8600 acre tract. As my friend Dave and I were both sound engineers in the San Antonio area, we worked with a Lighting Director named Damon Dibari. You know, I love Damon like a brother, but he is a character. He would sometimes ride with us on his Murray mountain bike in some of the City Parks in San Antonio. The park riding was basically even elevation and made about a mile circle. Damon was the kind of rider that had is seat dropped all the way down to the frame..

We dogged him into wanting us to take him to Government Canyon. So we got him out and after about 3 hours of riding, he was bonking and wanting to know when the first lap would be done as he was going to bail.. “Dude, this is an all day ride. One continuous loop..”

He freaked out and threw a tantrum..

We were not about turn around to take him back. So, we were at that tunnel of willow trees I wrote about in the Trespass post. We were carbing up and Damon pulls out these Little Debbie’s chocolate donuts. We started dogging him about that and reminding him not to leave his trash as we followed the Leave No Trace rules. He swore he wouldn’t. Well, we finished the trip and he swore he would never ride with us again.. What a wuss.. Then, the next time Dave and I went out to Government Canyon (about a month later), what did we find? That Little Debbie’s wrapper… What a flake. We promptly returned his wrapper to him the next time we saw him.