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So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: January 8th, 2015, 12:55 pm
by zoltanka79
Well, i have two options for this weekend. Go up to some ski resort, or stay home and ride the Cuda. The real problem is the weather. 28 below. Celsius.

Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: January 8th, 2015, 1:49 pm
by vpc66
Wow Zoltan your like Derek and run out in the snow, I would die, or that is the point and you don't care for riding in the mess! Right now we have been hit with the cold front that has been moving across the States so it is very cold for us Floridians. last night with wind chill the feel like temp in some areas was in low 20's and the wind is ripping ! I had been riding every few weeks but had issues with my truck and my off road riding buddy was in another car wreck, which he was in one just two months before( both of which not his fault, just very bad luck ) I hope to get back to it as soon as he can ride again, hate riding on my own. Thought about joining local mtb club but not sure I fit in.
Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: January 8th, 2015, 9:16 pm
by neo_pop_71
zoltanka79 wrote:Well, i have two options for this weekend. Go up to some ski resort, or stay home and ride the Cuda. The real problem is the weather. 28 below. Celsius.

Sweet mother of Jesus (that's prounounced "Hey-Zeus" and he's my neighbor, not the guy from that popular book dating back a couple thousand years)... that is insanely cold and utter madness to be out and exposing your "junk" to a potential shattering of the nut'sicle on the top tube of a bike!!! What's the matter with you?!!! It was a balmy 75 and clear today, the crowds suck but the weather in Southern California is hard to beat at times.
To answer your question, yep... I've been riding and building bikes when I'm not tilting back some beers or brewing coffee in my 50 year old glass percolator. Life is too short too short to drink cheap beer, drink lousy coffee, and ride crappy bikes!!!
Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: January 8th, 2015, 10:59 pm
by vpc66
75 deg. ....lucky, though we were wearing t shirts and shorts just the other day and hope to be back real soon with that ! How bout some trail pic's, action shots even better !
Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: January 9th, 2015, 9:51 am
by zoltanka79
Things are looking much better, 25F right now, so i'll go skiing on sunday. And we might squeeze in a bike run for tomorrow. About that cheap beer and lousy coffee... they aren't that bad when you drink them with the right people

, but i totally agree with the crappy bikes, those are a nightmare to ride.
Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: January 12th, 2015, 1:00 pm
by Derek
Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: January 12th, 2015, 1:33 pm
by vpc66
That is ok Wild Man !
Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: June 7th, 2015, 8:59 am
by zoltanka79
Today i took my Cuda for a ride and all i can say is that it was so much fun. Lately i've been riding my enduro bike a lot, but today i felt that i need something else.... something with much more personality and style. So i decided to take that old gal out for a spin.
Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: June 8th, 2015, 8:44 am
by vpc66
Yes I have, but I have done the opposite of you by leaving the Cuda for the old Single Speed. Plus I have been going to local bike show / swap meets working on that Prewar Colson I bought from Neo, and I was giving a 85 Mongoose Californian bmx bike which I should part out yet part of me would like to keep and build ( as if I don't have enough bikes that hardly get rode ) to keep for awhile. The bike show there was a guy on a Cook Bros. bmx that made me drool and think of the good old days, but I should sell the good parts and use money for a replacement FS build due to last one having a crack frame or a DJ frame set up more toward AM...
Re: So, anyone been riding lately?
Posted: June 10th, 2015, 3:43 pm
by mixalive
Well, the good news is that it has finally stopped raining here in Austin and the ground is drying up. I just got back in town from some festival duty and am ready to ride.